So you have just left university, currently don't have a job and all you are hearing in the press is about the unemployment levels constantly increasing? If this describes you then don't lose heart because it isn't all doom and gloom and bad news when it comes to graduate jobs. Graduate jobs aren't as hard to come by as everybody is making out and your university education and fantastic grades (hopefully) can count for a lot when companies are looking to recruit.
Some employers may consider advertising for graduate jobs to have too many negative aspects such as lack of experience. This is a major concern for some employers as the less training they have to provide and the quicker the new employee can get to grips with their designated tasks the easier it is for them however other employers realise that this can be a short sighted view and that graduate jobs have enormous benefits despite the drawback of limited experience. Graduate jobs are considered a gamble by some employers whereas others recognise the skills that graduates can bring to the table that can improve their company and drive them to new heights.
Employing somebody with work experience within the specific role will undoubtedly cost more than giving the job to a university leaver so this is another thing in the favour of graduates. Add to this the fact that students looking for graduate jobs will be keen to learn, impress and make a good impression and on top of this there are the added benefits of university life such as being able to prioritise their own workloads and work under their own initiative as well as having good communication skills. All of these are assets that can put a student ahead of other job seekers in the eyes of prospective employers.