In today's world, there is stiff competition when it comes to future jobs and career opportunities. The number one means of staying ahead in this race is a college education. However, many young potential students mistakenly throw caution to the wind by experimenting with drugs. The use of drugs can get young people a lot more than a cheap and fleeting high.
A drug offense can cost these college-bound students valuable time, money, reputation, liberty, and the ability to attend college. When a young individual is faced with a drug charge in Virginia, they expect heavy fines, possible jail time, a blemished criminal record, and potentially a loss of financial assistance to attend or remain in college.
There are strict regulations imposed by federal student loan issuers that will revoke loans in the event of a drug conviction. Without a loan to pay for a college education, there aren't many options left for young offenders other than to settle into a low paying job with meager future opportunities.
There is a long list of consequences that result when a young adult is faced with a drug possession conviction. Mandatory substance abuse classes and community service will have to take place. There are court costs, penalties, fines, and the possibility of the revocation of federal student loans. A young person may be expelled from a college program which can result in potential job loss. They may have their drivers license suspended and there is the potential for jail time.
These are just a few of the possible consequences that can directly hit a young drug offender. The amount of devastating effects that drug possession goes far beyond just a simple slap on the wrist in Virginia. These laws are in place to ensure that young adults are deterred from a life of drug use. This is not to mention the potential criminal activity that may accompany that abuse.
A charge of cannabis possession is only one possible drug offense that can directly affect a students eligibility for student loans and college admission. Another potential drug related offense includes possession of drug paraphernalia. While this type of charge may not carry as much punishment as an actual drug possession, the penalties are still quite steep. Cannabis is known as a gateway drug.
This means that it tends to open doors to further use of even more dangerous drugs such as cocaine, crack, methamphetomine, heroine, and narcotic pain killers. The legal ramifications are quite monumental for these types of offenses in the state of Virginia. This is the logic behind such strict laws regarding the possession of cannabis.
Young adults who get caught up in drug abuse and possession are risking a lot more than they could ever realize. The importance of steering clear of dangerous substances is the best defense against a drug conviction that could destroy the very future of young adults.