Is Online University Education Opening Pandora's Box?
Are some of us missing something here? I mean, how is it that universities justify virtually the same tuition rates for online students as they do for their regular, in resident, 'brick and mortar' students? Usually pricing reflects the cost of the product or service. When a competitive system comes along that costs a lot less to produce the same product or service the prices come down or strong competition inevitably ensues. This is true even when an entire well organized and heavily financed establishment is reluctant to make changes.
Many university students, their families, and even employers have asked similar questions. The decibel level of these questions, however, has not reached an appreciable level yet. One thing is for sure, many consumers are so indoctrinated that they are loathe to question authority for any reason. Perhaps the consumers of education are too busy worrying about the cost of tuition and whether, or not, they can even afford the cost of a university degree, which can go as high as $100,000 USD.
In any event, it seems as if this is the classic situation where,