The tough time of financial crisis of these two years is stirring every nation to think towards a new dimension and develop new schemes to encounter the fatal strokes of economic crash! Even after the world economy recovers totally with style the developing and underdeveloped countries must find a super way to come out of this dismal fact of economic failure. Even change in policy may lead to pave good directions. But the question is that: how far? One cannot save plenty to eat in future, no currency or economy can support this theory. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to put your money only in the safe hands to multiply rather than to explicitly and lavishly pushes it towards the dead-end. Little thinking and knowledge will always pay and bargain.
Economies and countries grow by just shunting and investing in traditional activities, where output is near stagnant. But people can only concentrate on the level of money they are investing through bonds, shares, or debentures. If they are regular traders then risks are normal to them every time. Therefore, better technique is to get full fledged knowledge from the online courses to have cross border thinking power.
There are some online courses that provide everything to you. Which allows you to grow your knowledge base and make it a powerful one. They offer you: long call option, short put option, long "Futures Contract", long "Covered" put, long "Bull Call Spread