During the PMP Certification Exam, applicants are given 4 hours only to answer correctly the 200 multiple-choice questions. If you calculate it, you are required to answer a question for 72 seconds! With this fact, I'm sure you'll think that it is impossible for you to answer all of them.
But, you will very stressful by the time you'll know that every question left unanswered will deduct your final score in the PMP exam. This really gives a great headache, as if you are punished for not answering all of the questions. However, you don't have to deal with it too much. Let us see some tips to lessen the possibility of questions left unanswered and choose more right ones:
Focus on the Question
As you answer the examination, you need to read carefully the question, thoroughly examine and understand it. Otherwise, you will be very puzzled with the choices given and gives you much pressure. On the other hand, seek the key point of the question to easily search for the best answer.
Your Stock Knowledge
During your training, you should remember key notes, formulas, diagrams and titles that they taught you. I'm sure you will need it in the exam. You could also jot down the formulas in a paper, with the consent of the inspector that you will use it if ever there are problem solving questions given.
Guess the Right Answer
This may not be recommended, but there are certain circumstances that you haven't gotten any clue about the question and you really need to deal with your instincts just to find the right answer. Just examine very carefully the choices that coincide better with the question. And one more thing, don't take apparent answers for granted. It is natural for multiple-choice questions to be frank so try to think very carefully for the correct answer.
Also, look out for logical choices and thoroughly examine it. Don't forget to find the key words of that certain question and its choices especially if two of the choices looks like the right solution.
Proceed and Go Back Parts
You must not stay in one question too long, especially that you are only given a limited time to finish everything up. You might regret that you lost your PMP Certification just because you hang up on a question for more than 72 seconds.
If ever you really had a hard time answering that certain question, just leave it for awhile and proceed to the next one. Just go back to that question when you're done. And if you are still confused with the question and you're already out of time, you could guess it out. Besides, you are already successful if you have answered many right answers than unanswered ones.
Just Relax
We all know that this exam is really stressful. But, if you keep that mindset, you will be working out yourself too hard and that's not good. You need to relax and stretch your body for awhile and then go back to the exam. Refreshing up yourself keeps you from stress which results to more confusion on the exam.
You don't need to worry too much. You could still take the PMP exam again if ever you didn't pass the first one. At least, you already had the experience and you can fully prepare yourself the next time you take this PMP Certification Exam.