Through the course of your high school, there will be more than one time that you might think of dropping college and get to do something else. We are not saying, that is a completely bad idea, as there are many high school dropouts who have really done well in life. But there are only a small % of people who have made it big after dropping out from their graduation. The idea here is dropping out of high school is not a very good option as you are almost killing your career. The best thing is get a high school graduation diploma in hand and then look at the various possibilities in life.
After getting hold of a high school graduation diploma in hand you can either go ahead with a vocational course or pursue your full time graduation. Without completing your high school and giving your GED does not seem to be a wise option. This is however not true for cases where you have finished your graduation from home with the help of your parent. The structure of education might not be as it should be in college and you will lack formal education. For those people who are going through this and get a blank high school diploma, it is better that get through their GED exams as they need to write that to get into a good college. But for people who are already pursuing high school and getting into write the GED does not seem to be a good option.
The other important thing that you need to remember is when you are on the verge of completing your high school is to get hold of some diploma cover, you may need for further use also when you finish your graduation and then you finish your masters.