Distance learning private schools offer great options for the junior ice skaters. An online learning environment frees up the junior athlete so that he/she is able to fulfill their other goals and interests in life without letting them forget completely about school. School is still emphasized in their lives, helping them to realize the importance of an education.
Online high schools offer great flexibility to the junior athlete versus that of a traditional high school setting. In a traditional high school the student would have to physically attend for approximately 8 hours per day, not leaving much room for practice. In an online learning environment, the student has the time to practice long hours if desired.
The curriculum of an online high school is based upon the same foundation as a traditional high school. They still learn the necessities, but now they have the option of fulfilling another dream of theirs, ice skating. The junior skaters still receive a quality education even though they are also fulfilling their dreams.
An online high school will enable the student to work ahead in his/her studies if needed. Due dates are set and the student will know when they have work due. So if they have 7 hours of practice on Wednesday, they will be able to see what is due on that day and work on it Monday and Tuesday and submit their assignment, so they are now freed up on Wednesday. It really is as simple as that.
Another great aspect of the distance learning is that the internet is now widely available. This enables the student to take his/her schooling with him/her to invitational