10 Tips That Can Help You Conserve Energy Around Your House

An average American household consumes 935 kWh (Kilowatt hours) each day, or 28, 050 kWh per month. You may be spending around $200 in electricity bill, or if you have more residents in your household, naturally, this amount could rise. As the population in your residence grows, as you acquire more energy-consuming appliances, and as the electricity charges rises each year, your electricity bill will rise as well and you might find yourself puzzled over the sudden changes. The changes on your electricity bill may be gradual but they could still burn a hole through your pocket if expenses pile on top of each other; hence, it is important to know how to monitor your energy consumption to avoid more financial woes.

There are 10 things which you can do to conserve energy around your home, as well as regulate your monthly electricity expenses. By knowing how to regulate your consumption, not only will you be able to save electricity, you will also save on cash.

It is important to know the ideal temperature within your household, which is usually 68 degrees for a medium-sized home. During colder days or during the winter season, it is advised to turn the thermostat down, perhaps just a few degrees. By doing so, you could save around $30 each month on your bill. During the summertime, you should try to set your thermostat to 75-80 degrees. Watch the temperature within your home by installing a temperature monitor system. A temperature monitor system can tell you the critical temperature changes in your household and if your temperature is fixed on a certain level, it will help you keep track of any unexpected temperature changes.

The energy consumption of your appliances also varies depending on the season. During the summertime, you might notice that your bill has gone up since the hotter it gets, more energy is used by electronic devices.

Make sure your house is properly insulated since this can help you save 25% in cooling and heating costs at home. Add more insulation if you believe your house lacks the right system.

The age old tip in conserving energy is turning-off or unplugging anything that consumes power, when not in use. For example, by unplugging your television set from the source, you can save around 30% from your total electricity bill.

If your heating or cooling equipment has been in use for over 20 years, it is advised to replace your units for newer ones since new products have been designed to conserve 15% more energy. It is also recommended to purchase properly sized equipment.

Make use of nature to help you control the heat within and outside your home. During colder days, if you have window blinds or shades, keep heat within your home by closing your windows at night and during daytime, open your windows to let fresh wind and heat circulate around your house. This can help you save on heating and cooling costs. During hotter days; however, it is advised to close your window blinds or shades to prevent too much heat in entering your home.

If you still use incandescent light bulbs, consider replacing them with LED bulbs or compact fluorescent lights. Doing so can help you cut down 75% in lighting and 1, 000 lbs. of carbon dioxide. Furthermore, CFL