10 Ways to Reduce Your Electricity Costs

The constantly rising costs of the fossil fuels used to generate most of electricity, combined with the cost of improving the distribution network and the development of new nuclear power plants means that we are going to be subjected to constant increases in our electric bills over the next decade. We need to look at the way we use electricity in our homes to see if you can reduce the electricity costs.

These 10 tips that will help you with small savings and help you reduce your electricity costs today!

1) Make sure that the washing machine, tumble dryer and dishwasher are full every time you use them.

2) Use modern detergents that wash at lower temperatures.

3) Adjust the timer and thermostat on your water heating system so that you have hot water when you need it most.

4) Encourage your family to save hot water by taking shorter showers, or running less water in the tub.

5) Air conditioning most people find it comfortable if the thermostat is set between 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit, every degree your set your thermostat lower will cost you 7 to 10% on your cooling costs.

6) Always keep the doors and windows closed and replace or clean you systems air filters regularly.

7) Use low energy ceiling fans to circulate the cool air they will make you feel 3 or 4 degrees cooler and cost less than one cent per hour to operate.

8) Appliances and lights, when not in use - TURN THEM OFF. When you leave a room and do not intend to return immediately, turn off the lights.

9) Take more care and limit your day to day usage