3 Ways to Generate Free Electric Energy Yourself

The Sun

The sun is the biggest source used these days to generate free electric energy. To change the light from the sun into free electric energy, we need to use something that's specially designed for it: Solar panels. These solar panels are being build all over the planet, and you can purchase them for around 2000 dollars. Luckily there are other options to get solar panels. And that's by building them on your own! There are some good helping guides on the market that explains everything step by step. You can read one of our guide reviews about Earth4energy here: http://www.free-energy4all.com/earth4energy-review.php

Now let me tell you some more about solar panels. To get most profit from the sun, they install the solar panels in areas where there is maximum exposure to sunlight. Think of balconies or rooftops, these are the most popular used spots. Electric energy that is generated from the sunlight can be used day and night. Every household appliance works on this free electricity, because it is 100 per cent the same as regular electric energy.


The wind is being used allot these days to make green electricity. And luckily it's free. It's being used very much by European countries on this moment. To change wind energy into electric energy, you need a device that can do that. Like windmills. To make a long story short, the wind will be gushed through the wings, which makes it rotate, and that will be generating electricity. You can buy ready made windmills in hardware stores But if you want to save some money you have the choice to build yourself a windmill.


Just a little group of people know this source of generating electric energy. And that is because a kind of motor which runs on the effects of magnetism. This motor is not available in stores. And that is simply because this motor will never stop running from the moment it's started. It will be producing electric energy non stop. You don't have to install the machine far far away from your house, because it is making almost no sound, that's because it is running on magnetism. Perhaps you're thinking of building your own generator?That shouldn't be a problem if you use this guide called magniwork which I highly recommend. When using this manual, you have to do exactly what is written, and you will get optimal results. You can read Alex Carter his experience with this DIY guide right here: http://www.free-energy4all.com/magniwork-review.php

I hope this article inspires you to get your own free electric energy, so you can save a ton of money, and help the environment.