Aluminum Construction: Going Green and the Benefits

Aluminum is an amazing metal. The properties of aluminum allow it to be bent, shaped and formed into virtually anything, making it a prime candidate for the metal construction industry. Metal architects are able to create astonishing building exteriors that are not only pleasing to the eye, but also good for the environment. Custom aluminum fabricators are fond of the metal because it offers virtually limitless possibilities with its ductile properties and ability to retain coatings and finishes. As aluminum has many benefits to the world of architecture, its key benefits are its reusability and cost effectiveness for businesses.

Although aluminum is the most abundant metal on the crust of the planet, there are no mines in the United States that harvest bauxite, the mineral from which aluminum is derived. All of the mined aluminum in the United States is imported from locations around the globe, costing millions of dollars and expending other resources. If the aluminum is not mined from elsewhere, it is recycled at about 5% of the energy that it takes to remove it from the ground, extract it from a bauxite ore, and ship it across the world. Recycled aluminum is a cost effective alternative for numerous industries, but especially for metal architectural firms, construction companies and their benefitting clients.

In a very cost-conscious economy, businesses are tending to incorporate aluminum more and more into their buildings. The metal is lightweight, visually appealing and is 100% recyclable after its use. During renovations, businesses are able to remove it from their fa