Cooking with a Solar Oven Could Possibly Save our Planet

I seem to be in the minority when it comes to believing that the global change in climate is due primarily to the sun's relationship to the earth, sun spots, solar flares and the rotation variances of the earth's orbit around the sun. There are actually more scientists who believe "global warming" or "climate change" is related to the sun, than there are "experts" who believe the cause is greenhouse gases.

Unfortunately, the few who hold that point of view are the ones in power. They are, effectively, suppressing the truth for the benefit of a few very powerful people who stand to make billions of dollars from this fraud, at the expense of average Americans. Many ignorant, uninformed Americans are becoming brainwashed by the liberal media that there is an increasing awareness of the need to take responsibility for the greenhouse gas emissions we create. They continue beating the warning drums about the dangerous levels of carbon dioxide released from burning fossil fuels like oil, coal, and gas as harmful to the environment.

Well, I have great news for those of you who believe this deception, also for those of you who do not. Using a solar oven can be an important step on the path towards you and your family becoming "carbon neutral," or maybe even single-handedly saving our planet from self-annihilation. As an example, anything you cook in a conventional oven can be cooked in a sun oven in the same length of time, only with no energy cost or harm to the "fragile environment." We are talking virtually a zero "carbon footprint."

An electric oven takes 1