First Offshore Wind Farm In Germany To Be Launched

Germany is set to develop a wind farm for offshore applications capable of generating 220 gigawatt-hours of electricity annually.

Alpha Ventus is a $332.5 (250 million euros) million, 60 megawatt pilot project wind power complex that is expected to feed the electricity demands of about 50,000 households, situated around 45 kilometers north of Borkum Island in Northeastern Germany.

Alpha Ventus is a joint venture project of several companies which include EWE A.G., E.ON Climate & Renewables and Vattenfall Europe Windkraft.

The German wind farm consists of 12 wind turbines, six of which come from French industrial conglomerate Areva while another six will come from Repower Systems A.G.

Alpha Ventus is known for using its high-yielding turbines that can produce 5 MW of electricity. According to the New York Times, Alpha Ventus will benefit from adjustments in Germany