Free Electricity Forever - Is it Truly Possible and How?

Have you heard the buzz lately? More and more people are actually considering living off the grid and plugging their households to alternative energy sources instead. The idea has spread like wildfire over the years and the people's desire to understand every aspect of the renewable energy technology gave birth to more ideas that change the way most people are utilizing electricity in their homes. This led to more cost-efficient and accessible home power solutions that made living off the grid a possibility that almost anyone can afford.

For a time, renewable energy solutions and living off the grid was perceived as something inconvenient and did not coincide with the modern lifestyle that we have been accustomed to. We have abundant supply of electricity, why go through the trouble of generating on your own? This is what most people think. But the times have changed and we are now faced with the grim possibility of running out of fossil fuels-our main energy sourcethat will likely make the abundance of energy that we spoke of before, a thing of the past.

This is beside the fact that commercial electricity is becoming more and more expensive. Some people are just tired of catching up with their ever-increasing energy bills and so have decided to liberate themselves from it. They took the first step towards the living off the grid goal, and have found out that it's really possible if you want to achieve it.

It might seem like a big move, but it's actually a fairly simple process. You just need to look at it from an uncomplicated point of view. Using alternative energy solutions means using an alternative and renewable power sources like the sun, wind, water, biomass or magnet. The forms of energy that you can derive from these sources can be harnessed and converted in another form of energy that we can use, which is electrical energy. Now, it's easier to simplify the whole process into two simple objectives: collect (other energy forms) and convert (to electricity).

But what happens if the energy source is not available all the time, like in the case of the sun? This is what batteries are for. Excess electricity created from alternative resources is stored in batteries and is retrieved and used in the absences of direct energy source. These batteries must be maintained in order to operate at their maximum capacity. But other than that, alternative energy solutions demand almost no maintenance at all. When set up correctly, it functions almost automatically and all that you need to do is to make sure that your usage does not exceed your supply. Naturally, your system must match your electricity load to be able to completely live off the grid.