Global Warming Is For Real. New Evidence Point Out
Global warming, a terrifying thought to many (except for a few skeptics) is in the forefront once again. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the US government has announced only last September, the global average for the period January to August 2010 is 580F (14.5 0C) and that is only second to the average in 1998, the all-time record since the record keeping commenced way back in 1880.
So far the recoded average temperature this year has been 1.21 oF (-17.1 0c) over even the 20th century global average.
The year 2005 however is on record as the warmest ever in spite of the lower first eight month temperatures. An unexpected upward rush of the temperatures towards the tail end of the year put it on record as the warmest ever over a period of twelve months.