Go Green By Using A Virtual Medical Receptionist

Nowadays more and more companies are becoming environmentally-conscious, and of course, leading the field is the medical profession, which, by using the Virtual Medical Receptionist, is saving the rain forests and hundreds and thousands, if not tons, of trees from being cut down, and used for paper production, which is needed for patients' paper records. By "going green" the medical profession is helping the world keep the ozone layer from widening and letting in (to the earth) more of the sun's damaging rays which do so much damage, not only to our skin, but to the weather patterns and plant and animal life.

This "going green" trend of most businesses, especially the medical professions, sends a clear message to patients and staff, plus others whom you come into contact with daily, that you are doing your bit for the betterment of society as a whole. By doing your part to save the planet, while working, helping and saving the people who live on this earth, you will surely set a great example.

Electronic Medical Records need no paper printout, except for very rare occasions, so all your medical records would be kept on file on your computer, which saves using cumbersome and space-taking filing cabinets, lost patient records, misfiled "gone missing" patient records. Plus the patient fills in all his own information, which is the beauty of this system. The only filing cabinet you would need is your computer, and a large flash drive (memory stick) for keeping a back-up of your records.

You could even keep the memory stick attached to your key-ring, that is how convenient a paperless society is becoming. More information, less paper, more trees, and more space, less ozone, less skin cancer patients, more environmentally-conscious awareness, a healthier planet, lots of new patients, and a streamlined process which you can virtually hold in your hand.

If you think the Virtual Medical Receptionist will put your human medical receptionist out of work, think again. You would still need the live model to greet patients and fill in any blanks that might not have been entered online when the patient booked the appointment.

The Virtual Medical Receptionist was designed to streamline the workload of the medical profession, allowing them more free time, for themselves and their families. With automatic patient bookings, you can see in advance when you will have free time, to allow for the extras activities that you never had time for before you met the Virtual Medical Receptionist.