Going Green Can Help Your Home Stay Healthy

For generations we have believed the commercials and ads that said cleaning our homes with "traditional" cleaning products would kill the germs and leave our homes clean and healthy. For generations we have been slowly poisoning our environment, and our homes with chemicals that have now proven so toxic, the cleaning chemicals now carry warning labels. A few of these chemicals are Sodium Hydroxide, Chlorine Bleach, Ammonia, and Phosphates; and are the ingredients in some of the most trusted cleansers we have ever used. When you make the decision to change to switch to ecologically friendly cleansers, you will be creating a healthy environment, and helping the environment.

There are a few things to look for when considering which eco-friendly products to bring into your home to create a healthy environment for your family. Here are a few items to look for while reading the labels:

1. pH Levels - The safest products will be ones that are created using Neutral pH levels. Products which contain numerical ratio pH levels of -7 or +7 are corrosive in nature and are extremely toxic.

2. PGE's & EGE's - Cleaning products which contain solvents such as propylene Glycol Ether's (PGE's) and Ethylene Glycol Ether's (EGE's) should never be used in the home.

3. Biodegradable - This is important especially when you consider the effects that non-biodegradable products have on the environment, namely the ground water source, and the leaking of toxins into plant able soil. Always look for the bold declaration of a products being Biodegradable.

4. Perfumes, Phosphates, Bleaches - All of these chemical additives have been proven hazardous to the elderly, small children and infants, and the infirm. People who suffer from allergies will see increases of allergic reactions when these chemicals or their components are used as cleanser ingredients in the homes or rooms they occupy.

The dangers these chemicals pose to you and your loved ones are especially dangerous when sprayed as a liquid or foam. The respiratory problems that result from inhaling these chemicals can be extremely hazardous for those who have weakened respiratory symptoms from influenza, and smoking.

Phasing out these dangerous chemicals and replacing them with eco-friendly products in your home, can make a difference in not only the environment, but the quality of life and health of your family. These products are as effective as cleaning agents we have used for generations, and their natural properties can replace the allergens and toxins you are currently being subjected too. Save the planet, save your home and family by Going Green with Eco-Friendly Products.