Guide To A Green Nursery

When it comes to your infant, greener is safer. With so many chemicals in baby products, the best defense is a good offense. That means buying the right green choices from the start. To reduce exposure to potential toxins, remember that your baby is exposed to two environments that need protection: the immediate indoor environment and the world at large.

To get this done there are 2 strategies to follow

1. reduce indoor toxins by choosing non-toxic products

2. reduce global toxins and waste by buying less and buying used

KEEP IN MIND : Adult immune systems are able to fight off and eliminate certain toxins, but infants are still developing and especially sensitive. This is why it is important to check for hidden toxins. Follow this check list to have a safer, greener nursery!

1. Greener Paint

Choose a natural pain that is milk, soy, or plant based. These paints are labeled