How Did A Multiple Of Thousands Dramatically Diminish Their Utility Bills, Seamlessly And Legally In New York?


Are you aware that right at present, the most extensive free enterprise movement in the history of the United States is in progress? It's occurring with ENERGY.

How will this affect you? If you reside in New York, and you pay Con Edison or National Grid as your energy service company, for electricity and/or natural gas; you are paying in excess! Fortunately, free enterprise has afforded a venue for you to diminish your energy bill, and even receive cost-free energy month after month.

Aside from being accepted by the Public Service Commission of New York, it is free to sign up with us or terminate your service. Plus, there are no contracts enforced.

You are no longer forced to settle for unfairly priced utility services. The decision is now yours to continue with your current, high-cost provider; or to opt for a world-class quality, low cost Energy Service Company, similar to Ambit Energy, for your house. Come on board with the masses of New York energy users who are opting-out on exorbitant utility bills.

ENERGY. A commodity that nearly all family unit uses and needs on a on a daily basis basis.

How could deregulation benefit those looking for profit? It is the gift of a lifetime; as energy free enterprise will only come to pass ONCE! Individuals who seize extensive advantage of this gift will be at the receiving end of unlimited earnings possibilities, and residuals for life!

I am a proud Independent Consultant for Ambit Energy. Please allow me to share with you!

Get informed, and seize action...At once! Choose Ambit Energy!

(Important: Call 1-800-506-3151 after enrolling to verify your decision.)

Enjoy an exciting day! You deserve it!

i.e. As long as you continue to be an Ambit Energy consultant