How Motorists Can Save the Environment

There are many ways we can help save the environment. No matter how small, our collective efforts all add up to some reduction in pollution and global warming.

But what if you had a way to make a really gigantic reduction in pollution, collectively so big that it would probably save thbe planet? Well, if you own a motor vehicle you and your fellow drivers can do it.

Here's how:

1.Convert your existing motor vehicle to an electric one. If you can afford the car manufacturers' highly priced new electric hybrids go for it but for the majority of drivers DIY is the cheapest and safest bet.

2.Tell your friends and associates about the DIY electric car kits. Spread the word. Maybe form electric car clubs to save the planet.

3.Invest all the money you save from not using petrol or diesel and less servicing. On an annual basis this will be a substantial amount