Hydrogen Car Kits - Reasons for Having Them

The increased worldwide use of hydrogen car kits is not only because of the big fuel savings they enable and the reduced pollution. The high cost of new hybrids is another factor.

Other reasons why motorists are fitting the kits include:

The kit works on gas or diesel powered cars, vans, trucks, and SUVs

Low cost. The manual is only $67 and parts about $100.

The kits can be easily installed in as little as two hours.

It's the safest flex fuel because hydrogen turns back into water when it combusts.

The units use less than a litre of water a week.

The system lower engine temperature because the fuel burns faster and less heat is transferred to the block

Emissions are lowered dramatically. It's so clean you almost don't need the catalytic converter (which makes it last longer- saving you replacement costs).

The kit works with both fuel injection and carburetors and cleans out gunk and sludge while it cleans your engine and reduces emissions.

The system is easily reversible and does not void auto manufacturers