Improving Awareness Of Handset Recycling

Raising awareness

The majority of people still just throw their cell phone away or leave them sitting around in draws. We're doing what we can to raise the understanding of responsible cell phone disposal and recycling but its proving to be challenging.

Mazuma's Television advert promotion offering hard cash in exchange for broken mobiles went quite some distance towards raising awareness of mobile recycling we saw an increase in the volume of searches performed pertaining to cellular recycling at about the time these launched, however, spreading the word is difficult.

Because of the current economic climate people are looking to make financial savings and, compared with 6-7 years back where everyone was willing to spend a bit more for green alternatives or to go organic this is among the first areas people are capable of making cutbacks.

We are hoping that the logic behind cutbacks on organic spending and recycled options might be applied in reverse to the smart phone handset industry.

The amount of online queries for smartphone recycling and the terms related to this are relatively low, nonetheless, the number of people searching for information on selling their mobile or ways to get money for mobiles is on the up.

By way of targeting those people who are seeking to get cash for an old phone and making these people aware of the issues around mobile phone disposal while also highlighting that they can cash in when they opt to go down this road we hope to really increase the public awareness of mobile phone recycling.

Not all of the companies offering cash for mobiles dispose of them as responsibly as others, some may find their way into landfills and others might could end up in the developing world been sold as premium handsets. While this is not strictly illegal its definitely immoral and goes against the spirit of recycling a phone, some people will not mind as long as they get as much as they can for the phone whereas others would be genuinely upset in this knowledge. For the people simply seeking a high price for their mobile we may be able to change their mind/outlooks on this type of thing by attempting to educate them on genuine recycling issues and benefits and this website, over the coming months, will attempt to do this.

At the moment the website is in its infancy and admittedly the content is not as finely polished as is will be in a few months time as we hope to encourage some authoritative guest posts and to attract some genuine interest from within the industry.

For now, please feel free to explore our pages, if you are generally interested in recycling then have a look at the post discussing some of the problems of recycling a mobile phone, if you are looking fot somethingFor more detail regarding mobile recycling take a look at the the website of the UK Mobile Phone Recycling Organisations. They arefocused on the recycling element, however, have some details on how you can exchange your mobile phone for cash with a more financial focus.