Maintaining A Green Agenda With Your Roofing Project

Everyone is familiar with the green tubs put out on the curb every couple of weeks or so, with their distinctive triangular arrow symbol. While recycling goes back quite far in human history, not until World War II did modern recycling policies begin taking hold. Still, only 32-35% of the garbage Americans generate each year is recycled; this number could be much higher. It begins not only with collecting recyclable goods and manufacturing new products from them, but purchasing said products as well.

Moving into the area of energy we find various ways of maintaining a green agenda by cutting down on waste and costs. Wind energy is, and should be, an increasing phenomenon of recent years, and by selling excess electricity back to the power grid everyone wins. By using ENERGY STAR-labeled products an energy bill can be lowered by up to 30%. Thermostats programmed to your schedule can make a world of difference as well.

When it comes to roofing several things can be considered. From supplying electricity, or collecting water, to simply helping to cool an area, a roof can play a major role in the immediate environment. Whether it is a new roof or a repair job, things to look at include recycled synthetic shingles, an eco-roof, or solar roof shingles. Synthetic shingles can be made from recycled plastic, rubber, and wood waist. Some of these have a 50-year life span, and are UV and fire resistant. Biodiverse green roofs (or eco-roofs) can be intensive or extensive. If extensive, the roof generally sustains itself, left on its own with herbs and grasses over a layer of shallow soil. An intensive eco-roof provides deeper soil for larger plants and trees, and can be used for recreation. Biodiverse green roofs are becoming increasingly popular in urban settings. The price of photovoltaic systems is also falling gradually, and with government incentives solar shingles should become more and more common in the coming years. This should always be considered for any unobstructed roof, and with the right roof more than one of these ideas can be combined.