Managing Water Pollution In Your Life

Water pollution is a major concern both globally and locally, but there is something you can do to avoid falling victim to the effects of pollution in your water sources.

Since pollution is defined as anything that makes our water dirty or unclean, the possible sources of pollution are limitless. Major pollution comes from such things as oil spills and chemicals that make their way into the ocean via rivers and streams. Natural solids pollute the water as well. When soil erodes away from a waterway and into the water, it effects the bio-chemical structure of the water and thus pollutes it. Other things like grass clippings that make their way into the water remove some of the oxygen which kills some of the bottom feeders. This in turn disrupts the food chain.

Storm drains, septic tanks and sewers add an even more harmful pollution to water via viruses, bacteria and protozoan. These can cause widespread illness as well if they make their way back into water consumption. Typhoid and other illnesses are caused this way.

Oil spills, petroleum and radioactive waste do the absolute most damage to the earth