Solar Ovens are becoming the number one most popular survival tool available today. Camp stoves require fuel, gas or propane, and you can run out. They use the energy from the sun and you not only save money, you help save the environment, The USFA's National Fire Data Center estimates that outside grills cause more than 6,000 fires, over 5 fatalities, more than 170 injuries, and $35 million in property loss per year. Gas grills alone cause over 2,700 fires, 80 injuries, and $11 million damage. Most of the gas grill fires and explosions were caused by gas leaks, blocked tubes, and overfilled propane tanks. Solar ovens are safe as there are no burning charcoal or exposed open flames used as a heat source. No gas, no flames, no danger!
Not only are there zero emissions, we have found the sun oven to be very forgiving. You will find you can cook at a higher temperature with less time or a lower temperature with more time. Meat cooked in this appliance is more moist and flavorful than with a conventional oven, and there is no fuel cost. For dry camping in our motor home, this oven is a must. When we are not using the oven for other things, but wish to keep it available, we place a black tea kettle of water inside which also provides us with extra hot water.
Anything that is baked in a conventional oven can be cooked in a sun oven in the same amount of time. Even so, just remember these ovens come in many sizes and are made from many different materials. Prices range from as little as $37 to as much as $700. Some of the cheaper units barely reach a maximum temperature of 250