Solar Power to Energy

Up to a few weeks back we knew only of a handful of processes to harness the immense sources of energy transmitted on to the earth surface. All forms of energy except perhaps nuclear energy, originated from the sun. (Sun it self is a huge nuclear reactor, come to think of it!) We have been converting this radiant energy to a form usable in a traditional application. But since time immemorial the most efficient conversion process has been photosynthesis by plant life with chlorophyll.

However much tried we have not been able so far to duplicate this seemingly simple chemical process.

However the latest news coming out from the Swiss and US solar researchers labs is that a new process has been developed which uses Water, Carbon dioxide and solar energy, to duplicate photosynthesis in a way (though not exact). As you know Hydrogen is the most efficient combustible fuel known to man but hitherto has not been able to produce or store safely and economically. Though not an exact copy of photosynthesis, the new process at least to a certain extend mimic it and provide high energy fuel of Hydrogen along with Carbon monoxide as end products.

The Hydrogen is expected to be used in fuel cells or as Syngas along with the Carbon Monoxide produced.

The device

Millions of hectares of green vegetation covering the earth