The Waste Exchange - What are Refuse Derived Fuels (RDF)?

Based in Manchester, The Waste Exchange offers waste producers the most cost effective and environmentally friendly way of disposing waste and fuel users high quality bespoke fuels to use as energy.

These Fuels, that are used as energy are known by a number of terms. These include Waste to Energy, Energy from Waste (EFW), Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) and Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF).

Information for Waste Producers

The Waste Exchange can not only provide Waste Management companies and direct waste producers a safe place to dispose of their waste, but also the added benefit that all the waste received will be recycled or reused. That means none of your waste that we receive will be sent to landfill.

On receipt of your waste, The Waste Exchange will maximise the value obtained from the recyclable materials. Only residual, contaminated elements will then be processes into Bio-mass and Flock fuels.

If you require an innovative way to re-direct your waste from landfill in an economic and environmentally responsible way