Three Incredibly Easy And Efficient Ways To Save Money By Going Green

Technology is advancing at breakneck speed, which is absolutely amazing for consumers. It wasn't that long ago that the cost of a single cored computer worth using was in the thousands of dollars, now you can't even find one. For a fraction of the price, you can buy a dual or quad core, that is exponentially better than the older primitive single CPU paperweights sitting in the junk pile. Technology's reach is not only limited to computers, indeed it has infected phones, cars, kitchens, even the green movement. A lot of the green movement is only available through technology, from water fueled cars, to solar power, to geothermal heating. Scientists would never have been able to figure out global warming if it hadn't been for the incredibly sophisticated devices they use to monitor the planet. Let's discuss three simple ways to "green" your life, not only saving you money, but also saving the environment that are now available due to the increased power of technology.

First off, and simple enough, is solar power. The sun gives off an incredible amount of energy each and every day. Plants and animals use it to grow and stay warm all over the globe, and yet most of it goes unused. The solar panels you can use to power your home are becoming more and more efficient. Not only are they more efficient, but they cost less and less, following the suit of technology. There are even websites dedicated to helping you build your own solar panels for your home. Talk about an incredibly cheap and efficient way to heat and power your home! Most of the materials needed can be found for very little money at hardware stores. This simply wouldn't have been available ten or twenty years ago. I remember ten years ago sixty four megabytes of ram for my computer cost three hundred dollars. Now you can get a thousand megabytes of ram for roughly twenty dollars. Again, good news for us consumers. Manufacturing costs of photovoltaic cells has dropped by 3-5% per year, and government subsidies have increased! Just one of the many reasons solar power is so cost effective for the home. People are starting to recognize the advantages and savings in harnessing the power of the sun. In 2004 alone, worldwide production of solar cells increased by 60%. Talk about the wave of the future.

Another form of sustainable, "green" energy is free energy generators. Although technically not free, they do produce energy. For a system to produce free energy, we would have to talk about a perpetual motion machine, which hasn't been invented yet. Free energy generators simply use the repelling force of magnets to generate energy. It works by absorbing a little bit of electricity to start the magnets spinning. Once they are spinning, the energy needed to keep it going is very minimal. The magnets give off a large amount of energy that you can use to power your home. There is energy to be found everywhere that is simply waiting to be used. Search on Youtube for potato battery, and you can watch ipods and lights being charged by a simple potato. The free energy generators will not give you free energy, but will output ten times more electricity than they consume. Hook one up to your house, and your electricity bill will drop by 90% and you will also be lowering your impact on the environment dramatically. Not a bad deal at all! Gotta love technology!

The third way you can go green and save money is by attaching a simple water engine to your cars already existing engine. This has got to be one of the coolest inventions in quite a while. It works by installing a cheap and simple water container to your cars engine. Current engines normally utilize only 20-25% of the power of the gasoline being used. By installing the water engine, oxy-hydrogen gas will be injected into the engine to increase its ability to produce energy. Hydrogen in water is 1000% times more potent and full of energy than gasoline is. By using electricity from your car's engine, the hydrogen stays in the form of water right up until the split second that it is needed to be added to the combustion chamber of your motor. The end result is an increased fuel efficiency of up to 40-50%. You will also have a cleaner engine and reduce your emissions by up to 50%! Essentially, you will be paying half the price for gas for you vehicle as the gas you have now goes twice as far. The money you save in one month pays for the whole system, and it can be easily removed in seconds. Again, all this, and it also reduces your impact on the planet! So cool!

The green "movement" is not a fad, it is simply an intelligent way of approaching the problems we all face. By saving money at the same time, it all becomes a no brainer. What are you waiting for? Take some initiative and see the savings follow. The energy provided by your local electrical and gas provider is convenient, but damages the environment as well as costs you lots of money. As more and more people jump on this new form of savings, there will be absolutely no reason not to sign up. You will be able to sleep easily at night knowing you are substantially lowering your environmental impact on the planet, all the while keeping your hard earned money in the bank where it belongs! Thank you technology!