What Are Solar Shingles?

Bulky solar panels are out, enter solar roof tiles. So what are solar roof tiles, how do they work, why are they better than solar panels and what can they do for you. These are a couple of questions we'll go over in this article.

So what are they?

Solar shingles also referred to as "solar roof tiles", or "building-integrated photovoltaic" BIPVs for short, they were introduced in 2005, which means that solar roof tiles are a relatively new area of green energy. Several companies are making the solar roof tiles including SunPower Corporation, Solar Components Corporation, Atlantis Energy Systems, and Dow Chemical.

How do they work?

The solar roof tiles are tiles developed using the same process in photovoltaic panels. They are made up of crystalline silicon disks that are then attached to metal-conductors. light from the sun is then caught by the solar cells within the tiles which then transform the power into DC voltage, an inverter is then used to convert the electricity into AC which is what your house and appliances use to operate. The solar roof tiles are quite a bit smaller and less cumbersome then traditional solar panels.

Why are they better then traditional solar panels?

Solar roof tiles are better then solar panels because of their small size, a shingle is usually 12 inches wide by 86 inches long. The tiles appearance is a deep blue color, and they lay on the roof just like traditional roof tiles. Because of this you won't have to worry about damaging your houses looks by placing ugly panels on your roof. Their ease of installation is also a positive factor, unlike with a traditional solar energy system the tiles are very easy and take a lot less time to install, most you can just hammer in by yourself.

Should I purchase solar roof tiles?

You need to know a couple of things before buying a setup. A good roof for solar roof tiles. Their might also be zoning laws so you'll want to check with the proper channel before you start planning your setup.

So how can they benefit you?

Well just like their solar panel counterparts solar roof tiles produce clean green energy, which means you will not be relying as much on dirty power generation such as coal, nuclear, or gas. Also solar power is produced from sunlight for nothing meaning you'll be saving tons on your electric bills. you will also be able to make money back because most setups are integrated into the electricity grid, which allows you to sell excess energy back to the utilities. Furthermore most tiles come with a 20 year warranty, while some say they'll make it to 50 years. Because of this you'll be saving even more due to the fact you will not need to replace damaged regular shingles. You can also find government run incentive programs that will help with the expense of installing a new solar system.