You can use this chart to find out what Family any fruit, vegetable or herb is in, for curiositys sake or to help you in planning crop rotation schemes.
Crop | Family | Group |
American Cress | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Apple | Rosaceae | 9 |
Apricot | Rosaceae | 9 |
Asparagus | Liliaceae | 6 |
Aubergine | Solanaceae | 8 |
Beans | Leguminosae | 7 |
Beet | Chenopodiaceae | 1 |
Beetroot | Chenopodiaceae | 1 |
Bell pepper | Solanaceae | 8 |
Blackberry | Rosaceae | 9 |
Blackcurrant | Saxifragaceae | 9 |
Blite | Chenopodiaceae | 1 |
Blueberry | Ericaceae | 9 |
Broad beans | Leguminosae | 7 |
Broccoli | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Brussels sprout | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Bulbous chervil | Umbelliferae | 3 |
Bush beans | Leguminosae | 7 |
Butter beans | Leguminosae | 7 |
Cabbage | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Calabrese | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Cape gooseberry | Solanaceae | 8 |
Capsicum | Solanaceae | 8 |
Cardoon | Compositae | 4 |
Carrot | Umbelliferae | 3 |
Cauliflower | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Celeriac | Umbelliferae | 3 |
Celery | Umbelliferae | 3 |
Celtuce | Compositae | 4 |
Chard | Chenopodiaceae | 1 |
Chick peas | Leguminosae | 7 |
Chicory | Compositae | 4 |
Chilli pepper | Solanaceae | 8 |
Chinese broccoli | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Chinese cabbage | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Chinese gooseberry | Dilleniaceae | 9 |
Chives | Liliaceae | 6 |
Chop Suey greens | Compositae | 4 |
Corn | Gramineae | 9 |
Courgette | Cucurbitaceae | 5 |
Cress | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Crummocks | Umbelliferae | 3 |
Cucumber | Cucurbitaceae | 5 |
Eggplant | Solanaceae | 8 |
Dandelion | Compositae | 4 |
Egyptian onion | Liliaceae | 6 |
Endive | Compositae | 4 |
Faba beans | Leguminosae | 7 |
Fava beans | Leguminosae | 7 |
Fig | Moraceae | 9 |
Flageolet beans | Leguminosae | 7 |
Florence fennel | Umbelliferae | 3 |
French beans | Leguminosae | 7 |
Garbanzo beans | Leguminosae | 7 |
Garlic | Liliaceae | 6 |
Gherkin | Cucurbitaceae | 5 |
Ginger | Zingiberaceae | 9 |
Globe artichoke | Compositae | 4 |
Gobo | Compositae | 4 |
Good King Henry | Chenopodiaceae | 1 |
Gooseberry | Saxifragaceae | 9 |
Ground cherry | Solanaceae | 8 |
Hamburg parsley | Umbelliferae | 3 |
Haricot beans | Leguminosae | 7 |
Herbs (most) | various | 9 |
Hot pepper | Solanaceae | 8 |
Hyacinth beans | Leguminosae | 7 |
Indian corn | Gramineae | 9 |
Japanese burdock | Compositae | 4 |
Jerusalem artichoke | Compositae | 4 |
Kale | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Kenya beans | Leguminosae | 7 |
Kiwi fruit | Dilleniaceae | 9 |
Kohl rabi | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Komatsuna | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Lablab beans | Leguminosae | 7 |
Lambs lettuce | Valierianaceae | 9 |
Land cress | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Leaf beet | Chenopodiaceae | 1 |
Leek | Liliaceae | 6 |
Lettuce | Compositae | 4 |
Lima beans | Leguminosae | 7 |
Lincolnshire Asparagus | Chenopodiaceae | 1 |
Loganberry | Rosaceae | 9 |
Maize | Gramineae | 9 |
Mange tout peas | Leguminosae | 7 |
Marrow | Cucurbitaceae | 5 |
Melon | Cucurbitaceae | 5 |
Miners lettuce | Portulacaceae | 9 |
Mizuna | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Mustard | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Mustard greens | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Nectarine | Rosaceae | 9 |
Needle beans | Leguminosae | 7 |
New Zealand spinach | Aizoaceae | 9 |
Okra | Malvaceae | 9 |
Onions | Liliaceae | 6 |
Orach | Chenopodiaceae | 1 |
Pak choi | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Parsley | Umbelliferae | 3 |
Parsnip | Umbelliferae | 3 |
Passion fruit | Passifloraceae | 9 |
Peach | Rosaceae | 9 |
Pear | Rosaceae | 9 |
Peas | Leguminosae | 7 |
Perpetual spinach | Chenopodiaceae | 1 |
Plum | Rosaceae | 9 |
Pole beans | Leguminosae | 7 |
Popcorn | Gramineae | 9 |
Potato | Solanaceae | 8 |
Potato onion | Liliaceae | 6 |
Pumpkin | Cucurbitaceae | 5 |
Radish | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Raspberry | Rosaceae | 9 |
Redcurrant | Saxifragaceae | 9 |
Rhubarb | Polygonaceae | 9 |
Rhubarb chard | Chenopodiaceae | 1 |
Rocket | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Rosella | Malvaceae | 9 |
Ruby chard | Chenopodiaceae | 1 |
Runner beans | Leguminosae | 7 |
Salsify | Compositae | 4 |
Scallions | Liliaceae | 6 |
Scolymus | Compositae | 4 |
Scorzonera | Compositae | 4 |
Sea kale | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Seakale beet | Chenopodiaceae | 1 |
Shallots | Liliaceae | 6 |
Shungiku | Compositae | 4 |
Skirret | Umbelliferae | 3 |
Soy(a) beans | Leguminosae | 7 |
Spinach | Chenopodiaceae | 1 |
Spring cabbage | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Squash | Cucurbitaceae | 5 |
Stem lettuce | Compositae | 4 |
Strawberry | Rosaceae | 9 |
Strawberry spinach | Chenopodiaceae | 1 |
Sunflower | Compositae | 4 |
Swede | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Sweet corn | Gramineae | 9 |
Sweet pepper | Solanaceae | 8 |
Sweet potato | Convulvulaceae | 9 |
Swiss chard | Chenopodiaceae | 1 |
Tayberry | Rosaceae | 9 |
Texsel greens | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Tobacco | Solanaceae | 8 |
Tomatillo | Solanaceae | 8 |
Tomato | Solanaceae | 8 |
Turnip | Cruciferae (Brassicas) | 2 |
Welsh onion | Liliaceae | 6 |
Whitecurrant | Saxifragaceae | 9 |
Zucchini | Cucurbitaceae | 5 |