Will increasing energy prices pave way for a greener and a cleaner world?

In a way, increasing energy prices do ensure that the world is very much likely to propel itself towards better energy usage and low carbon economy. In fact, Mother Earth has been vociferous enough to give us ample indications of how we have endangered the delicate ecosystem and invited serious trouble for mankind. These indications have been in the form of heavy rains, heat waves, drought conditions, forests fires, floods and so on which have caused ample destruction of human life and property. These indications do imply that the changes in the climate could be the main cause of the occurrence of the extreme weather conditions.

Research and studies conducted on these climate changes reveals disturbing facts especially mankind being the main reason leading to these occurrences. Human generated greenhouse gas emissions could be the reason why we are facing water, energy and food shortages which are going to gain disastrous proportions if not tackled effectively. In all, we should move towards a low carbon economy. Coupled by the issue of increasing energy demand and fast depletion of non renewable energy resources which have led to increasing energy prices do give human beings yet another chance to improve the world