Wind and Solar Power - An Alternative Energy Source for Homes

Many people are now aware of the many problems faced by the world which includes pollution, depletion of natural resources, global warming, increasing population, and many others. With so many problems to deal with, people don't know where to start. You don't have to be a hero to help save the world and address its many problems. You can contribute on your own little way by using solar power and wind power.

Sun radiation and moving air can be converted into energy through solar and wind power. A solar power system collects sunlight which can directly heat homes or it can convert the heat into usable electricity stored in batteries. Wind turbines can also create usable electricity or the mechanical energy can be used directly as well.

According to researchers, the importance of these systems relies on the environmental benefits. Germany and Japan are leading the way to the improvement of solar energy despite the fact that these countries get very little sunshine in a year

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Wind And Solar Power
