Wind Generators for Sale, How They Can Be Used

With rising energy costs and environmental concerns people want to know their options for a greener cheaper energy future. These concerns are highlighted by the environmental catastrophe unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico with the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform.

Wind energy is the cheapest alternative energy source to date. There are a growing number of complete home wind generator kits on the market. More and more people want to know how they can be used.

A wind generator for sale can be used in three basic ways, stand alone, utility grid tie, and wind solar combination. We will discuss the pros and cons of each, starting with the stand alone system.

This system is best used in remote locations where utility grids are nonexistent or overly costly because of the distance for the utility tie in. Complete home wind generator kits are coupled with charge controllers, battery banks and power inverters to convert the energy to AC voltage.

The cost of the power inverter can be avoided if you have DC appliances. Many recreational vehicles and house boats come equipped with batteries and DC appliances. Wind turbines for sale and charge controllers are all that