10 Ways to Make Toilet Training Fun & Exciting

10 Ways to Make Toilet Training Fun & Exciting

 by: Danna Henderson

Blue & Yellow Make Green - Put a few drops of blue food coloring in the toilet and show your child that the color turns green when he or she pees in the potty!

Toilet Targets - Purchase or make toilet targets to teach your child to aim.

Musical Potty Chair - Musical potty chairs, such as the Tinkle Toonz, play a tune when your child uses the potty!

Potty training Doll - Anatomically correct drink & wet dolls, such as the Corolle or Aquini dolls, help make toilet training fun and easy. This method is recommended by Dr. Phil.

Potty training Watch - Make potty time reminders fun and exciting with the VibraLite toilet training watch. The VibraLite watch, which comes in purple or blue, can be set to vibrate every 30 minutes as a fun reminder that it's potty time!

Books, Videos, & DVDs - toilet training bedtime stories,videos and DVDs are a fun educational way to introduce toilet training to your child.

Charts & Stickers - toilet training charts and stickers are great motivational tools. Start by giving stickers for sitting on the potty. After a while, give stickers only when your child uses the potty. Finally, offer a small toy as a reward for 3 accident free days.

Fun toilet training Pants - toilet training pants and liners come in fantastic colors. Let your child choose the color of training pants or underwear to wear.

Phone Call From Superhero - Reward your child for using the potty with a phone call from his or her superhero. Enlist friends or neighbors to play the part.

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Danna Henderson

ZIP Baby

101 Convention Center Drive, Ste 700

Las Vegas, NV 89109
