5 Great Reasons to Insure Your Wedding Reception

You may be one of the many wondering if wedding reception insurance is necessary. The answer is simple: yes. There are things that are true with every wedding. First, you want absolute perfection. While that is often hard to achieve, insurance an assure that the investment you have made is protected. Second, You should expect the unexpected. Even with several months of planning seating, meals, and flowers, there will be things that are completely out of your control.

Many weddings and receptions have taken place without wedding reception insurance and a great many of the brides and grooms wish that they had considered the option after some unfortunate event. If as a couple you have decided to invest in your future, here are 5 reasons you should start it off right.

1. Wedding and wedding reception insurance can assure that you are reimbursed for the cost of the wedding should it need to be postponed for unforeseen events. If for example, the wedding must be cancelled and postponed because of a sudden death in the family or torrential weather which prohibits the event from occurring, wedding reception insurance can assure that you receive the money already invested in the event.

2. Very many events have been marred by the loss or damage of wedding dresses and tuxedos. The right wedding reception insurance can cover the replacement and keep the big day on track.

3. Weddings are big, often expensive events. Unfortunately, such events draw the attention of those looking to prey on the event, making them a prime target for thieves. The right insurance can cover the theft of rings, equipment and gifts.

4. Coordinating vendors is one the biggest tasks when planning a large event and often becomes an issue. Sometimes, less than professional vendors consider it just another job, while for you, it is the most important day of your life. Wedding reception insurance can cover the cost of last minute replacement of vendor no shows.

5. Even a small wedding requires an investment. If you would insure other big ticket items like a house or car, why not insure the big day?

Before purchasing event insurance, do some research. Different venues and vendors have different insurance policies. Be sure to find out exactly what the policies cover so that you do not have excessive insurance or overlapping. Speaking to an agent will help you see where the holes are in the coverage and make sure all your investments are protected.

So much planning has gone into making this one of the best days of your life. Wedding reception insurance can not only protect your investment, but help you start your marriage with wonderful memories of a well planned event.