5 Things You Must Do Before Installing Your Easy Set Pool

With another long hot summer stretching ahead of us you might have decided to treat your family to a swimming pool. The easy set pools are wonderful because not only are they above ground but they are also quick and easy to install; no digging or tools required. While you are waiting for your pool to be delivered take the following five steps to make sure your family, your pool and your home are all free from danger.

1. Check if you need a permit

The pools are so easy to buy and install that you might not think about permits, but in some towns you can be fined if you don't have one. Call your council and find out what the rules are in your area. You might need to get a permit and some states like Arizona also require you to have a fence erected around the pool with a gate that locks. Getting hit with a fine will ruin your pool fun.

2. Make sure your yard is level

The easy set pools are strong and sturdy but only if your yard is flat. If your back garden is on a slope then you will need to spend a little time levelling an area for the pool to sit on. The easiest way to do this might be to simply dig a circle slightly larger than the diameter of the pool you've ordered and then line it with a tarpaulin.

3. Hire a company to fill the pool

These pools are large enough to hold a family, and they therefore require gallons of water to fill them up. If your kids are keen to get swimming then you might want to call a company to come and fill the pool for you, which will be much quicker than doing so with a hosepipe. If your water comes from a well then you will definitely need to hire a company.

4. Check for sticks and rocks in the pool area

Before you install the pool make sure the area is free from rocks and sticks and other debris. There are two reasons why you need to do this: first you don't want to damage the lining of the pool and second you don't want to injure your feet by standing on something that is poking into the bottom of the pool.

5. Don't forget you need to empty the pool

Unless you are lucky enough to have sunshine all year round you will probably need to drain the pool come the fall. This is easy to do with a hosepipe but you need to think about where the water will drain away to; you don't want to flood the foundations of your house!