All About Bereavement Grief

Bereavement is defined as a state of sadness or loneliness. An individual is in a state of bereavement when that person experiences loss of another person. The loss could be due to relationship breakups, death, loss of pets, someone moving away forever, divorce for instance, loss of employment, etc. thus, the cause for bereavement might be different for each person.

Bereavement behaviors are loneliness, anger, guilt, numbness, shock, agitation, etc. Bereavement grief means a package of emotions related with the loss of an individual. Researchers oftentimes pertain to bereavement behavior as grief cycle. After an extensive research of over four decades and still continuing, researchers have discovered some usual demeanors observed in persons in mourning.

When an individual is undergoing through this grief, the person observes behaviors such as crying, insomnia, restlessness and withdrawal. But the most commonly observed behaviors are denial and shock. Bereavement grief is almost just a part of each person