Are you putting your family at risk

I know that for the most part people generally care about their families. Most people can take all sorts of insults that are directed to them personally, but you had better not talk about our loved ones. In knowing this I cannot figure out why we do not realize the potential harm we put in our homes. Maybe this is due to a lack of understanding or maybe it is due to good advertising or maybe it is due to the fact that we have never taken the time to consider what I am about to share with you.
I think that everyone has the right to know about what chemicals and toxins are used to make up our "consumable products". The sad thing is that these companies spend millions of dollars in advertising their products, but they do not have to tell us anything regarding any health risks associated with those products. Only 1% of toxins are required to be listed on labels. Regulation only requires labels to indicate if the products are combustible, corrosive, poison, etc. Do you really know the potential health risks associated with these products? Whether a toxin actually causes harm is based on several factors such as: potency; rate of exposure; dose; and individual sensitiviy. The risks associated with toxins are as follows: cancer, irritation to your skin, eyes, stomach, and lungs, liver and kidney problems, learning and developmental disorders, and in worst case scenarios-death. (just to mention a few)
Are we really willing to flirt with disaster on a daily basis? I know and understand that we cannot safeguard our loved ones forever, but we can safeguard our own homes for the betterment of our loved ones. Please research this for yourselves and draw your own conclusions. We can educate ourselves and we can take action. Are there other products out there that are safer on the environment and safer for our families? Yes, there are. Can these products do the same job as what you are currently using? Yes, they can. In the end, you have the final choice to make. You can choose to do nothing, or you can choose to do something. Feel free to email me at for more information.

About the Author

A loving husband and father of two beautiful girls would like to share some information with you regarding a "silent killer" that has been turned loose in our homes.