Boy Bashing

Sometimes I wonder what these fashion designers are thinking. I read an article in our local newspaper recently which left me in wonder. What happened to girl power? Teaching our daughters to respect themselves? Emphasizing self-esteem & sexual equality?

Now, it seems that someone in the fashion industry decided that it's a good thing for our girls to brag about how they look down on the male gender. To them, it's cool to treat men & boys like unworthy objects. Is that supposed to make our daughters feel better about themselves? Your daughter can actually walk into a well-known department store and purchase shirts with sayings like:
"Boys Lie"
"Boys Are Great - Everyone Should Own One"
"Lying, Cheating, Stinking Boys"

Now, I have no problem with girls wearing shirts that say things like "Girls Rule", or "Girls Are Great", but since when is it cool to talk bad about someone else to make ourselves feel better? Isn't that something that responsible adults are supposed to teach our kids to NOT do?

Not only that, but can you imagine what kinds of things the men's & boy's department will fight back with? Are you going to put your foot down and draw the line, explaining to the young girls in your life why this is NOT cool?

I know what I'm going to do. I will not spend a penny on these types of products. I will urge others to do the same. If nobody is buying them, there will be no need to continue to make such degrading clothing. I am not pro-censorship, but I am for mutual respect of others - treating others how we wish to be treated. If we say bad things about them, they will most likely do the same in return. This isn't the type of behavior that I want to see my young daughter engaging in as she gets older. When she is an adult, she can make her own decisions. This clothing is being marketed to our 'tweens & teens!

My daughter only going on five years old right now. But if this trend continues, I hate to think about what girls' clothing might be saying in another five or ten years. As a parent, I feel it is our job to teach our girls good values and morals. How can it help a young impressionable girl's self-esteem to be putting down others in such a rude way? Imagine the harm that it can do to the self-image of today's youth. I hope that whoever started it will see the error in their ways, and the moms at the malls and department stores with their daughters will openly show their disapproval.

About the Author

Valerie Zilinsky is a married mother of two young children, and 'WebMom' of