Bredding Fish

Breeding fish
Breeding fish is an area that fascinates many aquarists regardless if they are beginners or very experienced aquarists. The first time any of your fishes spawn in your aquarium is always an interesting and joyful experience regardless of which species that has spawned.

There are a number of fishes that are can be breed by beginners. These species can reflect most breeding behaviours found in the fish world so the fact that you are a beginner doesnt have to prevent you from experiences the different fascinating breeding behaviours that can be found in the fish world.

Below you will find recommendations for which fishes you can that displays a certain type of breeding behaviour. All these species are easily breed and will breed as long as you keep them well feed on a varied diet and keep the water clean.

Livebearers: livebearers are fishes that give birth to live fry. There is a number of livebearers that are very easy to breed. Among these you find classical beginner fishes such as guppy, platy and swordstails.

Egg scatters: A large number of fishes are egg scatters which mean that they scatter their eggs on the bottom and in the vegetation. There are a number of egg scatters that are easy to breed and the maybe easiest of them all is the zebra danio. Other easily breed egg scatters include many of the most common barbs.

Mouth brooders: Mouth brooders are fishes that protect their young by keeping the eggs and sometimes fry in their mouth where they are safe from harm. There are not that many mouth brooders that are suitable for a beginner with a community aquarium however the Egyptian mouth brooder is a good choice for a beginner that wants to experience the behaviour of a mouth brooder.

Nest builder: Nest builders build a nest where they lay their eggs and protect their young. The in aquariums most common type of nest is bubble nests which are created on the surface by air bubbles among plants. There are several gourami species that are suitable for the beginner and that are bubble nest builders. One of the most common bubble nest builders is the Betta.

Cave breeders and substrate breeders: These fishes place their eggs on a substrate like a rock, a leaf or in a cave. They protect their eggs and fry. There is a number of fishes that breeds in this way that readily breeds in aquariums. Oneof the easiest species to breed is the convict cichlid which unfortunately can be a little to aggressive to have in a community aquarium. A better choice could be kribs or sajica cichlids.

Parker Daniel