Buy Discount Candles Online or Make Them Yourself

Candles are not only a source of light and warmth, but they also have a relaxing effect on us. The warm glow and soothing scents can create a cozy atmosphere, whether you are enjoying a dinner at home or taking a relaxing bath. However, with the cost of candles increasing in stores, it’s time to start considering buying discount candles online or making them yourself.

Buying discount candles online

Online shopping has become more popular and convenient, especially during the pandemic when in-person shopping can be risky or limited. Dozens of websites sell candles at discounted prices, whether they are overstocked items or closeout deals, you can find quality candles for less than traditional stores.

Before making your purchase, it’s essential to research the seller and read reviews from other customers. Make sure the website you are buying from is reputable, and their products are safe and of high quality.

There are various types of candles, including scented, unscented, soy, beeswax, and paraffin wax. If you are looking for a specific type of candle, make sure to read the product description and check the ingredients.

Some websites offer discounts for bulk purchases, which is ideal for those who frequently burn candles or those who want to stock up for events like weddings or parties. Additionally, some sites offer free shipping with a minimum purchase, so take advantage of those deals.

Overall, buying discount candles online is an affordable and convenient way to enjoy the benefits of candles without breaking the bank.

Make candles yourself

For those who prefer a hands-on approach, making candles yourself is an excellent option. Not only can you save money, but you can also customize your candles to your liking. Making candles can be a fun activity to do with family and friends, and you can even start a business with your homemade creations.

The first step in making candles is to gather the necessary supplies, including wax, wicks, a pouring pot, a thermometer, fragrance oils, and containers. These supplies can be found at craft stores or online, and there are various types of wax to choose from, including soy, beeswax, and paraffin wax.

Once you have your supplies, melt the wax in the pouring pot, and add the fragrance oils. The amount of fragrance oil you add depends on the type of wax and your preference. It’s important to use a thermometer to ensure the temperature of the wax is suitable for adding the fragrance oils.

Next, dip the wick in the melted wax and place it in the container. Hold the wick in place until the wax cools and hardens, securing the wick in the center of the container. Finally, pour the melted wax into the container and let it cool.

The great thing about making your candles is that you have complete control over the scent, color, and design. You can add essential oils, dried flowers, or herbs to create unique scents and colors. Additionally, you can use various containers, such as mason jars or tea cups, to personalize your candles.

Making candles is not only a cost-effective and creative activity, but it is also a sustainable option. You can use recycled jars or containers and upcycle them into new and beautiful candles. Moreover, by making your candles, you can reduce waste and limit the amount of packaging that comes with store-bought candles.

When deciding to make candles at home, it’s essential to take safety precautions, such as wearing gloves, using a designated area, and not leaving the melting wax unattended. While making candles can be a fun activity, it can also be dangerous if proper care is not taken.


Candles are an excellent addition to any home, and with the choice of buying discount candles online or making them yourself, you can enjoy them without spending too much money. Whether you decide to buy online or make your candles, it’s essential to research and take the necessary precautions to ensure safety and quality. By choosing to make your candles, you have the opportunity to personalize and customize your scents and colors while reducing waste and being eco-friendly. Whichever option you choose, the result will be the same – a warm, relaxing ambiance that soothes your mind and soul.