Cat lovers and cat associations around the world

Cats have long been associated with mystery, independence, and companionship. They are often considered the more aloof of the pets, but many people swear by the comfort of their feline companions. Cat lovers and associations can be found all over the world, with groups dedicated to the care, breeding, and appreciation of these independent creatures.

In the United States, one of the most well-known associations is the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA). Founded in 1906, the CFA is a non-profit organization that focuses on the promotion of purebred cats. They host cat shows around the country, with judges evaluating the cats based on breed-specific standards. The CFA also provides information and resources on cat care and breed recognition.

Another prominent cat association in the US is the International Cat Association (TICA). TICA was established in 1979 and is dedicated to promoting the preservation of pedigreed cats, as well as the promotion of domestic cats. TICA also hosts cat shows, but they have a broader focus than the CFA, including recognizing new breeds and promoting responsible cat ownership.

In the UK, the Cat Fancy is a large and active organization dedicated to promoting the welfare of all cats. Founded in 1946, they are the largest organization of their kind in the UK. The Cat Fancy offers advice and support to cat owners, including the promotion of ethical breeding practices and the importance of regular veterinary care.

In Germany, the Cat Fanciers' Association Deutschland e.V. (CFA-Deutschland) is the largest cat association. Founded in 1955, the CFA-Deutschland provides support for cat owners and breeders, as well as promoting the welfare and care of cats. They also host cat shows and provide resources for cat care.

In Asia, there are also several cat associations dedicated to the care and promotion of feline friends. In Japan, the Japan Cat Network provides support for rescue and adoption of cats, as well as education on spaying and neutering. In Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Cat Welfare Society is a non-profit organization that focuses on cat welfare and promoting responsible cat ownership.

In Australia, the Australian National Cats Inc. (ANCATS) is one of the country's largest cat associations. Founded in 1962, ANCATS promotes the breeding and showing of pedigreed cats, as well as advocating for responsible cat ownership and care.

The popularity of cats has also led to an increase in online communities dedicated to their care and appreciation. Online forums and social media pages provide a way for cat lovers to connect, share advice, and celebrate their admiration for feline friends. Popular online communities include Reddit's /r/cats, where cat owners share photos and stories of their pets, as well as the Facebook group "I Love Cats" which has over 850,000 members from around the world.

Another online community is the website "Catster," which offers information on cat care, breeds, and behavior. They also host an online forum where cat owners can ask questions and share advice. Other online resources for cat lovers include The Conscious Cat, a blog dedicated to holistic cat care, and Modern Cat, a website offering cat product recommendations and information on cat behavior and health.

The increasing popularity of cats has also led to the rise of cat cafes around the world. These cafes offer a space for patrons to enjoy a cup of coffee while surrounded by friendly felines. Many cat cafes also feature cats that are available for adoption. Cat cafes have become popular destinations in cities such as Tokyo, London, and New York City.

In addition to associations and online communities, cats have also made their way into popular culture around the world. The internet has been particularly instrumental in spreading cat memes and viral videos. The Grumpy Cat meme, for example, became a sensation online and led to a successful line of merchandise and a TV movie.

Cat lovers have also created their own events and celebrations. In the United States, National Cat Day is celebrated on October 29th, while International Cat Day is recognized on August 8th around the world. CatCon, a convention dedicated to all things feline, is held annually in Los Angeles and brings together cat lovers, celebrities, and vendors.

Finally, cats have played important roles in various cultures and religions around the world. In ancient Egypt, cats were revered as sacred animals and were often mummified alongside their owners. In Japan, the "Maneki Neko" or "Beckoning Cat" is a popular symbol of good luck. Cats also feature prominently in Norse mythology, with the goddess Freyja associated with cats and the goddess of love and fertility.

In conclusion, cats have captured the hearts of people around the world. From associations and online communities to popular culture and ancient history, cats have been a beloved companion and symbol for centuries. Whether it be through cat cafes or the celebration of National Cat Day, cats continue to play an important role in the lives of people around the world.