Child Welfare Information Services - How Agencies Prosper With The Right Software

The transfer of information is commonplace in today's world. Most of us use computer systems to house, manage and report on our data. More states have discovered the value of having software that makes child welfare providers more successful. Not only can software help the children with their needs, it can also track results, productivity of the caseworkers, and critical data on the children in the system. This information is necessary to help ensure that the service level and standard of care is being followed properly. When it comes to information on children in the welfare system - it's important that you maximize every opportunity to collect meaningful information and leverage a tool that can provide that data in an easy to understand format.

Helping to Address the Needs of Children and Families

An effective software system can help clearly define and address children's needs in the welfare system before they become critical problems. When the needs ofthese childrenare proactively addressed, more effective solutions can be reached.

Use Software to Track Results and Progress

It is a much more manageable task to track results when you have software in place. Web-based software is even better because it can be accessed from anywhere with an Internet connection. The software assists in placing the information, calculating valuable data, and organizing everything into a format that makes sense. Screens can flow in a systematic way that follows your own internal processes andworkflow. Information is gathered in an easy, point-and-click effort. This information can be transferred to whoever needs to review it without fear or risk of it being misinterpreted. Child welfare information systems and software are the standard - and in order to operate effectively, it is so important that you have a system of your own, beyond Excel spreadsheets and Access databases.

Productivity Rises

Many child welfare agencies are running short on staff and funds. With software systems like what FAMCare offers, for example - case workers and other parties can save time on doing paperwork and devote that time to addressing children's specific needs when they are in the system. Need to access a medical record? It's one click away. Need to record a case note - again, just a click away and another click to send it to billing. The more productive case workers can be during their chaotic days, the more the children that rely on them benefit.

Have Access to Critical Data

A child's history in the>is not unlike a medical history. When you have access to everything that has happened it is a considerably easier process to determine the best options available for a child. There is no need to search on someone's desk for a file, pull out charts and forms and research paperwork. With just a click of a button or two - a complete history for that child is available on the screen - with alerts, triggers and notifications tied to that child's progress. And... all of that information can change in real-time as more and more data is collected and updated. The result is more prompt action and better results.

Child welfare service providers prosper when they use FAMCare software to help with its management and database needs. The software helps agencies address children's needs in a timely manner and tracks the results from those decisions. With most child welfare agencies being subject to budget cuts every year, effective, affordable social services software helps the departments stay productive despite decreased staff and income. With the right software system - caseworkers benefit, program managers benefit... but most of all - the children and families that you serve benefit, as you are able to stay focused on providing the best level of care you can.