Distinction Of Ringworm Disease Between Humans And Animals

Ringworm disease has the same effect on both human and animals. Its main characteristic is an intense itchiness coming from a patch or wound forming a circular shape associated with redness and scaling that sometimes accompanied with an excretion of pus. These symptoms are both experienced by humans and also seen in animals. The spread of ringworm disease is done through a skin to skin contact made by humans or animals from an infected source. In humans, the transmission of infection could be acquired from contaminated objects such as hairbrushes, shoes, socks, slippers, clothes, towels, and pillows. On the other hands, animals have it mostly from the soil, food utensils, accessories that are being used on them as adornment and on their mini house where they usually stay. If those things were contaminated, both of them will be infected aside from the direct contact from an infected person or animal.

Ringworm disease in Humans

In humans, the infection starts from a fungus producing microorganism called Dermatophyte. The person will feel itching and redness on the affected part. The scratching will create a minor tear on the skin that produces a patch or a wound. The patch appears to be scaly and forming a ring-like shape in any parts of the body. The condition is getting worse when triggered by a hot environment and moisture. This is favorable to the growth of dermatophytes that keeps on expanding under this situation. The ringworm disease is seen on any parts of the body like the on the foot (Tinea pedis), face (Tinea faciei), beard, face, neck (Tinea barbae), scalp (Tinea capitis), groin (Tinea cruris), manus (Tinea manus), nails (Tinea unquiet) and to any parts of the body (Tinea corporis). The disease can heal on its own for about 3 months without medications but it is most likely to spread since it is a contagious disease. It could harm to others as well as the person having it if left untreated.

Ringworm disease in Cats

Cats are common pets you could see in any household chores. Unlike in humans, the Microsporum Canis or also called as M Canis is the fungus that causing the infection in cats. It affects young kittens that are a bit weak than in cats and also those that have low immune system and malnourished cats. They acquire the disease from the utensils and accessories that are being used on them aside from the direct contact from an infected fellow cat, other animals or person. Some clues that you can see in cats that they have ringworm disease is baldness found in the head and on their paws caused by an inflammation, scaling and itchiness. These two are the usual part that gets infected in cats.

Ringworm disease in Dogs

Dogs are called a Man's best friend. This is the well-loved pet and most people have it as their guard, sidekick and baby. This is true to people who use dogs for their own safety and security. The dog acts as guard from possible thieves throughout the night while their masters are sleeping. On the other hand, others who don't have any child divert their attention to any pets such as dog as their child. Dog has many uses to humans than any other animals but when ringworm disease hit them, they cannot be the strong protector and a cute baby that you could have. Ringworm in dogs or Canine ringworm is also caused by both Dermatophyte and Microsporum Canis. The symptoms are similar from that of the cats and humans that commonly spreads in the paws, ear tips and face.