Essential First Aid Items

Every household should have an emergency kit on hand, as should every car. Because the very nature of an emergency means that they are unexpected, you need to make sure you have a well-stocked kit ready to go when you need it most.

A well-stocked first-aid kit, kept within easy reach, is a necessity in every home. Having supplies gathered ahead of time will help you handle an emergency at a moment's notice. You should keep one first-aid kit in your home and one in each car. Also be sure to bring a first-aid kit on family vacations.

Listed below are the 20 basic first aid items which should be included in your stock:-

1. Band Aids. The most common injury you will treat are small cuts and scrapes.

2. One pair of blunt scissors for cutting bandages, and removing clothing if needed.

3. Cotton roll sterile dressing for holding bandages on the bigger lacerations and abrasions and to put direct pressure on wounds to stop the bleeding.

4. Antiseptic Towelettes

5. Eye Pad

6. Gauze Pads

7. Hydrogen Peroxide

8. First Aid Guide

9. Adhesive Tape

10. Reusable Cases

11. Exam Gloves

12. Finger Splints

13. Tweezers

14. Cotton Swabs

15. Safety Pins

16. Burn Cream

17. Sting Relief Pads

18. 12 Hour Light Stick

19. Non Aspirin

20. Mayday Large Solar Blanket

Before you actually use your kit in an emergency situation, take some time to familiarize yourself with the items you've collected and how to use them properly.