Find An Organizing Buddy For The New Year

It's likely that someone popped the question this season. No, not the "will you marry me?" question, but the "what is your resolution?" one. Finding more time to work out, losing those last five pounds, spending more quality time with the kids all top the list, but one of the most popular New Year's resolutions is to get more organized. It's great that so many people want to join the club, but with statistics proving that 75% of people give up their resolutions within a matter of weeks, how can you stick to your guns and keep going strong?

Sarah on "what you don't organize can hurt you"

People think organizing is just about having a closet with all of the same hangers or keeping all of your shoes lined up by color. It's really not about that. Instead, living an organized life means that you're free from that worry of the last minute scramble. If you don't organize important things like your finances, your personal medical history, etc., when the time comes and you need that information you'll be even more stressed than you should be. A little organization can transform your life."

Alicia on "spending time doing what you want"

I always find that if I take the time to organize a few things, then I can really spend my time doing what I want. For instance, I cook meals on Sunday so I don't have to rush around the kitchen when I get home from work. Instead, I just pop my pre-made meal into the oven or microwave and spend that time instead helping my daughter with her homework and hearing about her day."

Three Tips for Sticking to your "Get Organized" Resolution.

1. Find a Buddy.

Whether it's a fellow slacker who wants to get organized or she's the one you want to copy, find a friend who will help you keep your promises. Meet to kick off your plan, then check back in 4-5 weeks later, when most people quit. Also, plan a weekly check-in by phone, email, etc. and report to each other what you've accomplished. It keeps you focused and feeling successful.

2. Trade Duties.

Sit down with your buddy and determine your strengths and weaknesses. Don't be afraid to provide insight into your weaknesses and trade duties. If you hate scheduling, let her take over yours and you take over what gives her the most difficulty.

3. Make Some Things Non-Negotiable.

Your photo pile can wait a few more weeks, but there are some non-negotiable items when it comes to transforming your life with organization. Emergency plans, medical details, and legal and financial information are musts and should be accomplished before any other projects.

Having a buddy to help keep you get, and keep oganized, is a great way to go. Give it a try!