WHAT ARE HEADLICE? Headlice are tiny parasites that live in human hair, feeding on blood from their host. They are a brown/red colour and have six legs with claws on them which they use to grip onto the hair.
WHERE DO THEY COME FROM? Experts believe they have always been with us. Dried eggs have, so they claim, been found on the remains of ancient mummies.
WHAT IS A NIT? The louse's egg, a smooth oval shape, slightly smaller than a seseme seed, attached to the hair, close to the scalp.
HOW LONG DO THEY LIVE? The louse survives for 30 days and the female lays 3-5 eggs per day. The eggs take 7-10 days to hatch and 7-10 days to mature, then the cycle begins again.
CAN PETS CATCH THEM? No. They can only survive on humans.
HOW CAN HUMANS CATCH THEM? By direct contact, where they can crawl from one head to another. Also by sharing towels, brushes and hats, etc.
DO LICE JUMP? Lice do not have hind legs to jump, nor do they have wings to fly.
CAN'T I JUST WASH THEM OFF? No. Lice go into a state of suspended animation underwater, surviving this way.
DO LICE ONLY LIKE DIRTY HAIR? It is believed that lice prefer clean hair, but that doesn't mean they don't like dirty hair - they like any hair. It is also not true that only poor, white people catch them. Lice are not fussy and will infest anybody!
CAN I GET THEM FROM A PILLOW? Only if you lay where someone who's infested has recently laid.
CAN THEY LIVE ON MY FURNITURE? Lice can only survive for 72 hours at the most once they've left a human host. Most die within 24 hours.
CAN I JUST USE A LOTION? There are countless numbers of lotions and potions on the market. While they kill the lice, they don't kill the eggs. Most are chemically based and can aggrivate conditions such as asthma or allergies. You can pay dearly for your products, only to find a few days later that the lice are back again.
SO HOW DO I GET RID OF THEM? To clear the infestation is a long and tedious process, but it does work. First invest in a metal headlice comb, available at most chemists and a bottle of hair conditioner (any make or price). Wet the hair thoroughly and rub all over with the conditioner. Using the metal comb, comb right from the scalp to the very ends of the hair. Wipe the comb with tissue and throw the tissue away, or hold the comb under a running tap (The lice cannot crawl back up the drain). Work through the hair in sections all around the head, paying special attention to above the ears and the back of the neck(warm spots). Repeat this process every 2 - 3 days for three weeks, by which time they should be gone. If you are still pulling nits or lice out, continue until they are cleared.
HOW DO I CLEAN COMBS AND BRUSHES? Pull off any hairs or debris, then clean the teeth using a needle or something sharp. Sterilize in boiling water. As brushes and combs are fairly inexpensive, you could replace them if you wish to do so.
SHALL I WASH THE BEDDING? This will not get rid of any lice. Give the bedding a good shake(outside) then vacuum the bedding and matress.
WHAT ABOUT FURNITURE AND CARPETS? Again, a good vacuuming.
SHALL I THROW THE SOFT TOYS AWAY? No. As a precaution, you could seal them in a plastic bag for three weeks. After that, any lice will be dead.
WHAT IF THEY COME BACK AGAIN? Then you'll have to repeat the process.
IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN DO TO STOP MY CHILD CATCHING HEADLICE? Only a few things - Don't let them share hats, combs or towels. If your child has long hair, tie it up for school (kids love to huddle together). If your child has headlice, you MUST check all other family members and treat them if necessary.
ARE LICE HARMFUL? NO! Although they're an unpleasant nuisance, lice are not harmful.
About the Author
I am a 42 year old housewife with 3 children, aged 16, 13 and 10, living in the U.K.