It's Broke, Sam - Time To Fix It!

This is the second article I have written this week (bearing the same title). Although it relates to a different subject, it still stresses the fact that there is definitely something wrong with some of our laws, and with some of the people who enforce them, when protecting someone's freedom of speech is afforded a higher priority than protecting the mind of an innocent child. How much longer are Americans going to sit by and let the will of the minority rule the lives of the majority? Our present laws, many of which are over 200 years old, need to be updated to reflect what's going on in TODAY'S world. Continuing to live by ancient laws is allowing almost any individual and their attorney to challenge, reverse or eliminate practices and beliefs we have incorporated into our lives for hundreds of years. Eliminate these antiquated legal loopholes, and keep American laws up-to-date to protect what the "majority" wants, and not what some of the oddball minorities demand!

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