Kid Chairs - Which One To Get?

Kid Chairs - Which One To Get?

 by: Craig J. Clark

If you've decided on a child size chair for your son, daughter or grandchild, how do you know which child chair your kid will like best?

Several factors should go into making this decision. How old is your child, in which room will the chair be placed, the favorite activities of your child and the decor of your house should all be considered.

For very young, one or two years old, or very small children, I suggest going with the wooden or upholstered rocking chairs. These chairs are easy to operate, come in colorful designs and stand up to spills and stains well. Some manufacturers of these chairs even make very small recliners specifically for one or two year old children. These chairs fit into any room easily and are small enough so as not to disturb any decor.

As children get older their tastes change. Many three to eight year olds prefer child recliners to rocking chairs. Child recliners come in many varieties, are great for watching TV or reading. Styles exist to allow these chairs to fit in with most home decorating. Some manufacturers make matching child/adult recliner sets that really make kids feel like they're getting the same comfort as Dad.

Upper elementary and junior high kids are all about video games these days. Kid video chairs are a perfect companion to video game play. These chairs have the seats very near the floor and allow kids to rock back to get a good viewing position. Some of these chairs have joystick holders. Some even have built in speakers that can be connected directly to the output jack of the television. These chairs enhance the video game experience by making the game seem more real.

If you will be putting the chair in the child's room or a dedicated playroom, consider child recliners, video chairs and child size sofas. These additions give kids their own spot and make them feel really special at home.