Kids Home Protection...Risks of Household Cleaning Products

Have you ever thought about what's lurking under your sink?

All of us want to have our kids be as protected as possible because they are so dear to us. A major way to provide for child home safety is to have an environment for children that is as poison-free as possible...

So, it's necessary to take a look at our household cleaners:

Recent studies indicate dozens of toxic chemicals are appearing in the bloodstreams of American youngsters. Some can be traced to household cleaners and others to pesticides and preservatives from non-organic food.

Are you aware that poisoning happens very often in homes where parents are unaware that those cleaning products they use are hazardous? Isn't that ironic...parents who are doing their best to give their kids a healthy, clean home could instead be poisoning them!

The most common calls to poison centers are from terrified parents whose kids have gotten into toxic household cleaners such as: carpet cleaners, chlorine bleach, degreasers, drain cleaners, glass cleaners, mold and mildew removers, oven cleaners, scouring cleansers, toilet bowl cleaners, and tub and tile cleaners.

As a result, concerns endangering kids health can range from cancer and even death, to damage of skin, mouth, eyes, throat, and more. Internal organs can also be affected.

The government acknowledges that these household cleaners are dangerous, but regulation only requires labels to show if they are combustible, corrosive, poisonous, use caution, etc.

It seems to me that they could be doing us with a great deal more benefit by alerting an unsuspecting and uninformed public about these household cleaners.

Consider this...babies crawl on the floors you've cleaned and then what do they usually do? They put their hands into their mouths and all those toxins go right into their bloodstreams. Think about that danger!

Also, do you realize that allergies and asthma are at an all time high? One of the problems may be that most detergents and softeners also contain toxins.

Children sleep all night in pajamas and sheets laundered in these toxic products. The chemicals are absorbed by the skin and enter the bloodstream, working just like the drugs in the nicotine patch or the estrogen patch do.

All this looks pretty negative, but there is an simple solution for keeping your kids safe from the toxic household cleaners you use.

Have you ever thought about going green? That's the answer!

Explore the various green brands and choose the company you now realize that makes the safest, most effective products!